Let's drop the word selfish

Selfish concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others

How many times do you hear these statements,

“I cannot book an hour off in the workday for thinking time, it’s selfish”

“I’m booking some time off, its my time to be selfish”

“I deserve to be selfish and book that holiday”

“It’s time to be selfish, I am going for dinner, drinks and maybe hit a club after”

This is such a common narrative. Anytime we need a break, some time to ourselves, to make a choice/decision that is solely for our benefit we claim that it is selfish.

Prioritising our needs and wants is then defined as ego-centric or self-centred. The laughable part is that when we do make these “selfish” decisions for ourselves a lot of the time there are secondary benefits for those closest to us. Who doesn’t appreciate dealing with someone who is well rested and has wholesome wellbeing.

Whose narrative are we fitting these ideas into? That prioritising our needs/wants is selfish, that following our dreams is egotistic, booking time for an activity that is solely our own is too self-concerned.

I say let’s drop the word Selfish unless it’s in the right context. The further we perpetuate this word into our vocabulary the more we hold ourselves back for seeking things that bring us contentment and joy. The more we get stuck into doing things that we are obligated to without thinking if we actually want to do them.

Let’s boldly claim our needs and close off the sentences with “ I want to go for drinks!” (insert activity here)

In supporting our thoughts on this;

  1. What in my life have I been viewing as selfish but is really something I want to do?

  2. What sentences do I need to remove the word selfish from?

I want to go on holiday and I am going on holiday with my family for the next two weeks, it will be GLORIOUS

X Nyachomba


Noah's Birth Story.


Learning to tune in and trust ourselves