Frequently Asked Questions

  • Coaching is a process through compassionate yet challenging conversation that leads to a journey of reflection, discovery and self-awareness.

    Read my coaching brief here

  • In my opinion, everyone needs a life coach at some point in their lives. Coaches are a great way to seek objective support especially in times of transition e.g. career pivots, career change, moving abroad, completing a challenging degree.

    Apart from transition, coaches can be an insightful source of help if you are feeling stuck, unfulfilled and seeking to find out what matters to you.

  • Being coached is an incredible feeling of being really listened to. Having an affirming conversation with someone who is truly listening and is not judging. You also get an opportunity to say out aloud your thoughts and feelings and challenging them if necessary.

    A coaching session should leave you feeling empowered, affirmed and with a sense of clarity.

    Book a free chemistry call with me and try out a mini coaching session.

  • Transformative Coaching is a more complete approach to coaching, moving away from a simple performance-focused tool that is traditionally used to one of a humanistic and psychological focus, where the whole person is taken into account – not just what is visible on the surface. It is a reflective way of coaching that aims to explore a client’s cognitive, emotional, sensory and relational patterns in order to create a more complete understanding of their perspective on the world.

    The transformational approach means there is much more potential for clients to unlock bigger transformative shifts

  • My approach is built on kindness, compassion, an emphasis on planning and nurturing. I bring my authentic self into the sessions and seek to be provide excellent coaching.

    I insist that you make our sessions a self-care activity and treat it like some “me-time”.

  • A coaching session lasts 60 mins

  • I recommend a minimum of 3 sessions over six weeks and a maximum of 12 sessions over six months.

  • Yes I do.

    Get in touch with me :

  • All my sessions are held online on Zoom and yes I work with clients all over the world.

  • You can pay for the Coaching Packages via Debit or Credit Card, Paypal or Bank Transfer.

    You can also pay via M-Pesa.