22 things that I am taking on in 2022

Happy New Year! I am Kenyan and I am allowed to take this salutation forward till at least mid-February.

For someone who relishes planning and starting off anything new with all my intentions on paper, an extended period of quarantine and a bout of Coronavirus has left me reeling. I feel unprepared and unsettled. So here’s how I am dealing with it, by sharing these 22 things that I want for myself this next year.

  1. Add in more ‘good’ fear. I want to take on new challenges and go in afraid but do it anyway,

  2. I recently did the year compass and this question really spoke to me. I feel at my big age I should be contributing to the world in some form big or small. My contribution will be a listening, caring ear through my work (coaching, mindful planning and content on Instagram),

    What did you do this year to leave the world in a better shape than you found it?

  3. Life will not pass me by, I will be more intentional,

  4. One thing that I always struggled with in my 20s was doing a just “good enough” job. I am striving to be more meticulous and put out well thought out and executed work,

  5. Linked to no.4 I want to start and finish small and big goals,

  6. I struggle with emotional regulation, I missed that key lesson in my upbringing. This year I want to have more emotional agility, to be able to feel my emotions face them courageously and compassionately, and then move past them,

    This Quiz is super helpful to guide you on how emotionally agile you are.

  7. I will sign up for therapy. That is all!,

  8. I plan to make up for my lack of travel in 2020/21 and visit Brussels, Lisbon, Copenhagen and another undetermined destination,

  9. I will be better with money and make sound financial decisions,

  10. Linked to money, I will not be afraid to charge the rates that are reflective of what I offer, I will not be afraid to make money and make good money,

  11. I look forward to surrounding myself with culture via food, museum visits, travel, reading,

  12. I will be a Life Coach and an excellent one at that!,

  13. Choosing joy will be a forever mood,

  14. Reading more is always an intention for many and I am not an exception, I have started off the year with one book done. I’ve also challenged myself to join the local book club,

  15. I will be a patient parent,

  16. Yelling at my kids to make a point will be a thing of the past,

  17. I will take on exercise not to get skinny or get “that body” but to feel good in myself, for myself,

  18. Taking time for myself with be high on my monthly goals,

  19. I want more massages, spa days and skin treatments coz glowing will always be a forever goal,

  20. I will aim to be the kind of partner that I would want to have,

  21. My values will always be reflected in what I do,

  22. Celebrating, elevating and connecting with people will focus greatly this year.

I feel so good after writing that, its been a funky two weeks. Thanks for reading. If you have a few things you want to carry into 2022, I’d love to read them in the comments.




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