Balance - it's possible to find it

As a fully functional adult, finding balance can feel like an unattainable goal. A lot of us can agree that between work, family life and the ever present challenges of adulting, it can be impossible to not sink. Add to that the ever present ding in our head (especially women) that time doing nothing is wasted effort.

For a lot of us, me included we always feel like we have to be doing something. My husband has started forcing me to just sit down and not feel like I have to constantly be running around (mental load anyone?)

the mental load is the intersection of the two: preparing, organising and anticipating everything, emotional and practical, that needs to get done to make life flow.

It’s has taken a lot of work with my wonderful coach Nina to realise that I cannot do everything and not everything needs doing right now. Working through a lot of cultural limiting beliefs as well as my own self inflicted beliefs (Nyash, you can do it all - as I crucify myself)

Anyway this isn’t a pity party and I really genuinely wanted to share what I have done to create some balance in my life. So here goes;

As a mum of two little ones, living in a foreign country, running a business and without regular help my days will always be hectic. So the first thing I did was think about and illustrate what I thought balance looked like for my life.

For me balance means;

  • Planning my time

  • Saying no sometimes

  • Determining what I will fail at - keeping an immaculately tidy home

  • Resting when necessary

  • Intentionally making time for self-care

Keeping this in mind, I then went ahead and realised that my days will always be hectic and decided to look a little bit longer term and designed my Ideal Week.

For me, my ideal week is one that is planned out and has time for rest, “enough” work, family time, intentional self-care. The results of my ideal week mean I am filling my cup but also being creative, having energy, seeking knowledge, being confident in my work and receiving great feedback from it.

So far I am a few weeks in and I am feeling content and calm but more importantly resilient.

Thanks for reading, I would love to know if this is something you would consider.


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