Finding Meaning

Before writing this post, I quickly typed in “finding your purpose” on Google and immediately this post on VerywellMind came up. The article lists 7 tips to help you find your purpose;

  1. Donate Time, Money, or Talent

  2. Listen to Feedback

  3. Surround Yourself With Positive People

  4. Start Conversations With New People

  5. Explore Your Interests.

  6. Consider Injustices That Bother You

  7. Discover what you love to do

I almost burst out laughing because how often do you get a Google result article that is spot on to how you are feeling. In the past year and a half I have done a lot of these things on the list and clearly made my way into finding my purpose. Starting from number 2 because 1. is still a work in progress, despite my stubborn nature I am taking feedback. My husband is even surprised by how accepting I have been reacting to his offers to help.

The pandemic has helped me dial down to really recognise my closest and dearest and I value my friendships so much more now and keep my support system full of positivity. Aside from that, with social media friendships being a real thing. It has been fantastic connecting with new friends on Instagram and gaining new insights and outlooks on life and beyond.

Again the pandemic has been a blessing because it has spurred a lot of us to explore our interests and this has been the same here. Having my daughter in early 2020 and juggling two under 3 during a global lockdown got me to dive into journaling and planning amongst other creative outlets. The journaling has helped me launch into a new venture i.e. Mindful Planning with Nyachomba and right now this is where I am finding my purpose. I have found what I love to do and I am eternally grateful.


I will say that its not been easy and a number of factors have come into play into getting me to find my purpose.

  • I have realised that I am not in control of everything and have learnt to live in the present. This is especially so after the beginning of the pandemic. I am no longer thrown off course and actually delight in the surprises that life can throw at you sometimes,

  • Patience is a work in progress. Learning to take my time and not rush has given me more opportunity to find out what I truly love. If you love something then you will likely take your time with it. You don’t rush through a beautiful bottle of wine, do you?

Serendipity. Sometimes unexpectedly wonderful things happen that lead you on a path that you could never have thought.

  • Serendipity. Sometimes unexpectedly wonderful things happen that lead you on a path that you could never have thought. I am slowly learning that I should never turn down an opportunity. In April this year, I connected with someone who has sparked my love of sharing things on social media and led me down a path where I am now enjoying creating content rather than treating it like a chore.

Right now, I am enjoying this season and the purpose that I have found. It may change or evolve and I may even find multiple purposes and I guess that is really the beauty of it. Being in the present and accepting the unexpected.


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