Why you should write down your goals

We all have goals in life! It’s a bold statement but one I am ready to stand behind.

They may be in our minds or on paper, but we have them.

Committing to writing them down is one of the hardest things to do because it allows us to confront what we truly hold dear and what we would really love to do. It also asks us to take on the fear of failing which is scary for a lot of us.

“Writing down that you would like to enrol for an Masters degree, means you actually have to commit to exams, possibility of failing and 1-2 years of intense study.


Why should we write our goals down?

We are busier now that we have ever been between school, work, more parenting duties, building businesses, social and family committments. It seems harder now to carve time out for choosing things that really bring us joy. It is seen as the rebel who gives up everything to follow their passion.

Our lives are filled with distraction galore. Social Media can be a wonderful place however it can also be an endless avenue of distraction and comparison. It can serve as that easy lure to pull us away from doing hard things or even doing things we enjoy.

Adding to that if there is anything the last two years have taught us is that we have to stop living life passively and make a choice to be active participants in our existence. The pandemic has shone a light on how some of us were all consumed with work and not exploring other bit of our lives including hobbies and creativity.

See why we need to write things down to serve as a both a conscious and sub-conscious reminder

So how do we do balance what we have to do i.e. life’s duties and what brings us joy?

  • The answer can be as simple as being reflective and figuring out what you really want to do, break it down to 3-4 goals and write them down on a card, on your laptop, in your journal.

  • Determine how long you want to take to achieve these goals, the shorter the amount of time the better. Think 3-6 months, which gives you enough pressure to build momentum,

  • Remind yourself that no goal is too small or to big. Do you want to read more, get glowier skin, consistently add in acts of self-care. On the flip side, do you want to start that social impact company, build a million dollar brand. Go for it

  • Remember that goals should not be static, your context and your circumstances may change. Do not be afraid to pivot and restructure your goal.

Do you feel like you are doing what brings you joy? I'd love to know in the comments.


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