Follow Through - Sometimes it takes time

Part of being mindful is a certain sense of objectivity so that you can have the tenacity to follow through with goals and tasks but also allow yourself the kindness to slow down when necessary. It has taken me a long time to learn this and not slow down due to fear and laziness.

Yes, I said it. Laziness.

A young Nyachomba hosting a natural hair event and missing out on an opportunity to develop a hair product line

I cannot tell you the number of times I was pushed to move forward with an excellent idea and never followed through. Here’s a list of some of the ideas;

  1. In my early 20s as one of the first Kenyan bloggers. I had an idea to develop a Natural Hair Product line complete with business plan and jars for the products,

  2. Aligned with natural hair, I also had an idea to start a natural hair salon.

  3. I wanted to do write a coffee table book showcasing African hair,

  4. Brand Partnerships and Content creation were also one of the ideas I had.

All the beautiful ladies in this picture have established high flying businesses

You know what happened right, because you are on my website which has content on planning and not booking a hair appointment or buying hair products by Nyachomba.

The idea’s didn’t take off because of fear, anxiety, lack of follow through and I will use the L word again Laziness.

Now don’t go ahead and write me off. Part of the reason those ideas didn’t take off was because I was more passionate about a career in Climate Change than in taking a leap on my own.

Back to right now and I am at the space where a mix of age and being more mindful has made me niche down on what I want for myself and maintain the momentum to chase what I want and manage the temporary discomfort of fear and anxiety.

A few ways I have been able to maintain the follow through have been;

  • Talking to friends and family and my life coach whenever I am anxious. There’s nothing like being asked “Nyash, what’s the worst that can happen” and knowing deep down that it’s not the end of the world if you bet on yourself,

  • Following social media accounts, reading content and consistently referring to books, reports and newsletter that align with my values and what I want to achieve,

  • Understanding that I only have one life to live and as cheesy as that sounds, you have to choose joy and do what makes you happy (within reason)

“mortality makes it impossible to ignore the absurdity of living solely for the future.”
Oliver Burkeman


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